Joel TK Padi

Ghana Health Service, Ghana

Title: Dermatology in the tropics; A trend analysis of the effects of inadequate undergraduate dermatology training on the frequency of dermatology cases, a study based in 5 Ghanaian facilities


The purpose of this study was to analyze the effects of inadequate undergraduate training in dermatology on the frequency of dermatological cases in selected primary health care centers. This was a cross-sectional study done with respect to the frequency of dermatological cases over a 6-month period in 5 public primary care centers. Data from out-patient department were collected and analyzed per the presenting complains of patients over the 6-month period under study. After which a trend analysis was done on the data collected. A total of 5 facilities were sampled over the 6-month period. The total number of dermatology cases reported in these 5 facilities were 481 (4.6%) out of 10,469 out-patient cases, 94 (3.3%) out of 2,869 outpatient cases, 37 (4%) out of 961 out-patient cases, 87 (7%) out of 1,233 out-patient cases, 35 (3.4%) out of 1,035 out-patient cases. This clearly showed a low frequency of dermatological cases at the out-patient department of primary health care facilities in focus. Skin disorders/dermatological conditions are ideally a common reason for hospital attendance however the low frequency of these cases is as a result of the low emphasis on dermatology in undergraduate medical training thereby creating a deficiency in the effective management of these cases thereby impacting their incidence at the primary care centers.


Joel T.K. Padi is a Ghanaian Physician Assistant with about 8years experience in clinical practice in various clinical settings in Ghana. Joel is an ardent researcher. He is currently the General Secretary of the Graduate Physician Assistant Association of Ghana (GRAPAG) and the Secretary General of the Global Association of Clinical Officers and Physician Associates (GACOPA). He has been blessed with a wife and 2 kids.